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  • rankesz


    válasz tildy #6 üzenetére

    Detto... bár goa partin soha nem vagy egyedül...
    Én anno a 2005ös Ozorámnak egyedül vágtam neki, hátizsák, sátor, 1 hét... és nem sokszor volt olyan mikor egyedül éreztem magam, nagyon sok ismerőst szereztem.

    Mostanában nekem is fék van, fél éves a leánykám, jövőre talán befigyel 1-2 openair heppening addig meg babázás meg kiccsalád ;)

  • brownus


    válasz tildy #15 üzenetére

    nekem a dallam jobban tetszik mint a szöveg.

    [I]You, you know how to get me so low
    My heart had a crash when we spoke
    I can't fix what you broke
    You, you always have a reason
    Again & again this feelin'
    Why do I give in?
    & I always was, always was one for crying
    I always was one for tears

    The sun's getting cold, It's snowing
    Looks like an Early Winter for us
    Looks like an Early Winter for us
    An Early Winter
    Oh I need you to turn me over

    It's sad the map of the world is on you
    The moon gravitates around you
    The seasons escape you
    & I always was, always was one for crying
    I always was one for tears
    No, I never was, never was one for lying
    You lied to me all of these years


    The sun's getting cold, It's snowing
    Looks like an Early Winter for us
    Looks like an Early Winter for us
    An Early Winter
    Oh I need you to turn me over

    Why do you act so stupid?
    You know that I'm always right

    It looks like an Early Winter for us
    It hurts & I can't remember sunlight
    An Early Winter for us
    The leaves are changing colour for us
    & it gets too much, yeah it gets so much
    Starting over & over & over again
    & it gets too much, yeah it gets so much
    Starting over & over & over again
    & it gets too much, yeah it gets so much
    It looks like an Early Winter for us[/I]


    ez asszem 2 éve volt, mikor ezt a számot hallottam a coldplay-től és rossz passzban voltam... kész....

    [I]When you try your best, but you don't succeed
    When you get what you want but not what you need
    When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
    Stuck in reverse?

    And the tears come streaming down your face
    When you lose something you can't replace
    When you love someone but it goes to waste
    Could it be worst?

    Lights will guide you home,
    And ignite your bones,
    And I will try to fix you,

    High up above or down below
    When you're too in love to let it go
    But if you never try you'll never know
    Just what you're worth

    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you

    Tears stream down your face
    When you lose something you cannot replace
    Tears stream down on your face
    And I

    Tears stream down your face
    I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
    Tears stream down on your face
    And I

    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you[/I]


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