Valahol itt kezdődik az interneten történő üzletelés...

A minap /mivel en barom elhagytam/ megrendeltem a Kill Bill vol 2. DVD-t az, ahonnan ezt meg is kaptam 2.57 dollarert+2 dolcsi postakoltsegert. Szoval durvan 5 dolcsiert. Nem draga, viszont;

Megerkezett a korong, bedobtam a lejatszoba, hiiidefasza, 40-45 perc nezelodes, minden ok.
Aztan Uma Thurman baratnonk elkezdi utni a koporsot a fold alatt es erre "Damaged Disk".
Na a kurvaanyad, /xjuzmi/, kiproltam meg ket masik DVD lejatszoba, ugyanez.

Repult a level az eladonak:

Dear Sir/Ma'am

I left you a good feedback, the DVD and the case came as it was
described. Just to check it, i put the DVD in my player and watched about
10-15 minutes of it.

Today i wanted to watch the entire movie, but my player threw a message back at me, which pretty much said the DVD was damaged, /This was at chapter 10/.
I tried to skip it, i couldn't, what's remained of the movie was
completly unwatchable.
I even tried several disk cleaners, but they didn't solve the problem.
I hope we can find a solution for this issue...

/Nezzetek el az eluteseim es gyatra angolomat, kb ilyen hajnal 4 ora tajekan szuletett a level...tudom nem kifogas...whatever, se magyarul se angolul nem tudok, lepjunk ezen tul/.

Repult a valasz rogvest:

Hello Tivadar,

We hope this note finds you well. We apologize the DVD you received was
defective and unplayable. Our goal at Pieceofmindbooks is to provide all
of our customers with a quality product at the lowest marketplace price.
Every DVD in our inventory has been hand-inspected and has undergone
proper cleaning and testing. We do realize that even with proper surface
care, some DVDs may be flawed and unplayable, and we stand by our 100%
satisfaction guarantee. We have processed a replacement copy for today's
shipment. Thank you for allowing us to assist in resolving this issue.
We hope this meets your satisfaction and we apologize again for any
inconvenience this has caused. We hope your feedback will
reflect our commitment to providing steadfast and reliable customer
service. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we may be of further

Warm Regards,

Megan Frederick

Na, ezt hivom en ugyfelszolgalatnak goddammit.
Az angol-nemtudoknak szorri.
Jo tudni, hogy bizhatok meg online eladokban es nem basznak a fejemre miutan leperkaltam a penzt, hanem kuldenek egy masik verzsont. /Jo tudom, 5 a lenyeg nem ezen van..../.

Szal' ennyi, jol esett, megosztottam veletek.

ps: Aki meg meg nem latta a Kill Bill-t, az szegyellje magat.

Még van hozzászólás! Tovább