2024. április 30., kedd


tftpd.remap -- TFTP Daemon Path Remapping

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# tftpd.remap -- TFTP Daemon Path Remapping
# This file has three fields: operation, regex, remapping
# The operation is a combination of the following letters:
# r - rewrite the matched string with the remapping pattern
# i - case-insensitive matching
# g - repeat until no match (used with "r")
# e - exit (with success) if we match this pattern, do not process
# subsequent rules
# s - start over from the first rule if we match this pattern
# a - abort (refuse the request) if we match this rule
# G - this rule applies to TFTP GET requests only
# P - this rule applies to TFTP PUT requests only
# The regex is a regular expression in the style of egrep(1).
# The remapping is a pattern, all characters are verbatim except \
# \0 copies the full string that matched the regex
# \1..\9 copies the 9 first (..) expressions in the regex
# \\ is an escaped \
# "#" begins a comment, unless \-escaped
ri ^[a-z]: # Remove drive letters
rg \\ / # Convert backslashes to slashes
rg \# @ # Convert hash marks to @ signs
rg /../ /..no../ # Convert /../ to /..no../
e ^incoming/ # These are always ok
r ^[^/] /\0 # Convert nonabsolute files
a ^\. # Reject requests for hidden files

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