2024. június 22., szombat


Battleforge undocumented details

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Battleforge undocumented details

* Frozen units only take 50% damage.
* Corpses last on the ground for just-about 17 seconds.
* Embalmer's Shrine, which makes corpses give more life points, does not help your enemies' corpse gathering, but it helps your allies.
* Homesoiled units have their bonus for a little (about 2-3m) less than the max root link distance.

* Damage buffs add up but are not compounding: ie, if you have Unholy Power and Home Soil, then that unit will get base+100% damage, not (base+50%)+50% = base*2.25 damage.
(Unholy Power and Home Soil don't stack! However, Unholy Power stacks with itself (even if no additional buff icon is displayed, the numbers are increased!))
* Damage reduction does compound: if you has lifeweaving and is frozen, then it takes 0.5*0.5*base = one-quarter of the original damage.
*I think that this formula applies for every type of buff-stacking, including Frenzy and Surge of Strength, but I'm not sure about it. Does anyone know of a damage buff that compounds?

DISENCHANT (GREEN): It's Debuff-blocking allows you to use a unit's abilities under a Mark of the Keeper and also prevents Mind Control.

I also saw this conversation on bfcards:
Kaldra: you know when you abort and not build orb you gain 75 power back? means you just waste 25 power...

If you have no charges left on a card, its recharge time is equal to half of its cost in power or its stated recharge time, whichever is longer. Upgrades that reduce power cost can reduce recharge time in this way.
Breeding grounds reduces not just the base cost, but the real cost of a unit. i.e. A drake is normally 100, with 90 going to void on death, with BG it is 70 with 63 going to void on death.

I was amazed the first time I heard about paying attention to a unit's attack mode (Special, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large) in regards to the opponents unit, as if they match said attacking unit will be dealing 150% damage (total. Meaning 100% + 50%).

I wouldn't say it's not well known, but the damage number on a card is the amount it will do in 20 seconds of constant attacking.

Regeneration stacking thread:
link1 and link2
In short, wheel of Juvenesce stacks with any 1 (one) other form of regen Except Viridya. Any other regen combo actually cancels all regen. Nature affinity root nexus is notorious for this.
* Strength and Resilience stack since the last patch; juves does not.

Did you know you can shoot at buildings and XL units over walls? But not anything else?
You can shoot at buildings and XL's through walls only if they were targeted before the gate was closed. Otherwise they will just shoot at the gate.

hmmm i believe breeding grounds work for allies
but not sure if juice tank does
Breeding Grounds does work for allies, but Juice Tank and Resource Booster do not.

* ground units can not pass over unused monument/well slots. obvious? yes!
but why are these mos and juggernauts always ramming into my well/monument clusters, instead of stampeding alongside of them?
if you want to destroy wells/monuments standing in a line, stampede parallel but very close to this line and destroy all of them (or at least get your stampede max dmg out) instead of running into it from the side, thus destroying only 1-2 wells.
* XL units stampede S and M units, knocking them back and dealing 10 damage for each squad member. L units stampede S units, knocking them back and dealing 10 damage to each squad member.

** UPDATE 2009.11.06. **
PVE enemies are classed differently on each PVE map when it comes to mind control abilities. Some maps you can swap stonekin warriors, some you can't, some maps you can swap vilebloods/destroyers/horrors and some you can't. 2 good examples of this: Soultree all destroyers and horrors (at the beginning) can be swapped, but they cannot be swapped on Nightmare Shard (one of the first fights is against a horror). On Convoy all the stonekin warriors (the one's with charges) can be swapped, but on Soultree (on the path where you protect Viridya) they cannot.
So in other words, just cause a mob can't be swapped on one map, you may want to test it on another, on many maps anything up to L is fair game for a swap, including rageflames/stonekin warriors/vilebloods/destroyers/horrors/aggressors/windhunters/alpha birds and I'm not sure on some of the bandit lieutenants, but I doubt any of them can be. This probably is also true for many creatures when it comes to parasite swarm, and amazon beast control.

** UPDATE 2009.11.09. **
*Like the fact that 'rage' makes an attacking unit build up attack power while attacking until it has 4x base damage. This resets after not attacking for 5 seconds.
* It's 5 seconds for most cards, the only one I know of that is longer is the Fire Dragon at 10 seconds.

** UPDATE 2009.11.11. **
* There can be 2 legendary units on the field, if they dont have the same upgrade level
* Flying units under the effect of Gravity Surge (Tainted version) are not damaged by Aura of Corruption.
* If a Parasite Swarm mind controls a Shadow Phoenix after it has started to crash dive, the dive will not be interrupted and it will damage the units of the Shadow Phoenix's previous owner.
* you get "only" 75 power back when you destroy your orb while beeing build. Therfor you loose 25 power. (new orb costs 100 afterwards)

** UPDATE 2009.11.13. **

Damage amplification:
I've done some extensive testing and found that Unholy Power stacks up to 2 times for +100% damage, this double stack can also be stacked with any of the following buffs.
Soul Splicer
Unholy hero
Of all of these buffs none stack with one another besides with Unholy Power and that the highest achievable amplification of damage is 300% Via Unholy hero+ Unholy Powerx2. Snapjaw (fire) will also increase this damage on whichever target is the focus of the fully buffed unit.

Damage Reduction: Stacks such as life weaving, defenders stance, and crystal fiend (frost)
Frozen units take 50% normal damage

2. Unit size:
When choosing what unit to counter another with it is important to pay attention to the unit's attack, and the unit's size. By choosing the correct counter for a given unit you can save time and power. It works as such. A units size determines the best effective attack against it. If your unit's attack size matches the enemies unit size then your unit will do on average 50% more damage. The same is true in reverse. Cards like lyrish knight, who is a medium sized unit with a high small attack are an excellent counter to small units since the majority of small units also posses a small attack which means that they will not receive the +50% damage vs your lyrish knight, but you will receive the +50% vs their small units.

I have also done some testing on unit size to determine that the +50% is average, not the rule. XL units have a variety of attack animations, and while some prove more effective (up to +64%) other animations are less effective (44%) , so based on the luck of the draw,and how your unit wants to animate you could potentially be doing +64% damage to a unit with a size disadvantage vs your attack depending on the animation (Axe chop, two handed blow, horn sweep, stomp, etc. Most xl units have 5-6 attack animations depending on the size of their foe.

XL units can stampede small and medium units: Knocking back and doing 10 dmg to each squad member.
L units can stampede small units: Knocking back and doing 10 dmg to each squad member.

3. Legendary Cards - Promo cards

Legendary cards like Ravenheart can be played with their promotional version to bypass the legendary unit limit.

Promo cards of existing units are considered different from the non-promo version for the purpose of buffing such as motivate.

4. Void and Power
90% of a units actual power cost is returned in void power from suicidal units. This is effected from breeding grounds thus instead of refunding 90 power from a 100 power skyfire drake it will return 90% of the actual ammount of power it took to summon in the unit. Eg. U3 breeding grounds = 30% Thus making skyfire U3 cost 70 power instead of 100, the void gained on a suicide of that unit is then 63 (90% of 70).

Power enhancing structures such as Juice tank and Resource booster will both effect your own power wells (and stack effects), but they will not effect allied/enemy wells.

Breeding grounds: The effected power savings (15%-30%) will work for allies summoning in the effective area, saving them a portion of the summoning cost.

Orbs: Each orb costs 100 power + a one time power fee for each tier after the first.
100+50 = T2
100+150= T3
100+ 200 = T4

If the wrong orb is accidentally built, destroying the orb before its completion will result in 75 power of the 100 being refunded.

5. Corpses/Corpse Gathering
When using something like embalmer's shrine's special ability it will effect all friendly units corpse gathering abilities as well.

Corpses last approximately 17 seconds before they vanish, so time those Undead armies, and harvesters appropriately.

6. Walls:
Important things to remember are that XL units and Buildings can be targeted through a wall while S, M, L units can only be temporarily targeted by other S,M,L units if they were visible through a hole in the wall or, if the gate was down. Only XL units and buildings can attack S, M, L units over a wall unless the unit attempting to fire is placed on the wall defensively.

All small units can be placed on walls, this includes melee units. While they cannot attack, they do provide something else for enemy units to focus on, thus reducing damage on the walls overall.

Snapjaw, being a small unit but with a squad of 4 can compact more units onto a group of wall segments than the other 6 member squads. A two segment wall can house 3 units of snapjaws while only being able to support 2 units of 6 member squads such as master archers.

7. Rage:
Rage abilitiy will allow a unit to do up to 4 times (400%) its normal damage when fully enraged. To maintain this most rage units must attack every 5 seconds, while Fire dragon must only attack every 10 seconds.

8. PvP
In collection battles awards are given as such
Battle Tokens = 2 for matches lasting at least 2:31
Battle Tokens = 3 for matches lasting at least 8:31
Battle Tokens = 4 for matches lasting at least 11:31
Battle Tokens = 6 for matches lasting at least 14:31

The loser is awarded half of this number rounded down to the nearest whole.

For tome matches: i'm pretty sure it's just double the normal tokens, but maxed at 9 tokens. (i.e. you get 8 tokens when you would get 4 in collection games, and 9, when you would get 6)

** UPDATE 2009.12.02. **
- it only works versus buildings that your opponent built, not including wells and orbs.
- you get a certain percentage (i think it's 40% at U0) of the buildings powercost as extra power into your usable power pool if you completely destroy the building just with units that have the looter ability.
- you don't get that power in one big bunch when the building is destroyed, but rather every time you damage the building, you get a small part of it.
- so if a building has 1000 health points, and you make 100 damage to it with your looters, you will get 4% of the buildings power cost.
- the opponent will still get 90% void, so the power is not "stolen" but additionally granted.
- normally you won't have many opportunities to use this ability, but if your opponent loves to spam buildings, you can make a lot of extra power with this.

** UPDATE 2009.12.07. **
............. U1 ...... U2 ..... U3
Common ...... 50 ..... 250 .... 500
Uncommon ... 150 ..... 500 ... 1000
Rare ....... 400 .... 1000 ... 3000
Ultra rare . 800 .... 2000 ... 6000

** UPDATE 2009.12.09. **
The Root Network

A lot of people really don't understand how the root network works, and don't get to use it at it's full potential.
It is actually fairly simple to use and if done properly can make for one of the best defenses in the game in most situations.

How does it work ---

The following cards have the Root ability...

Living Tower
Howling Shrine (tainted and gifted)
Spore Launcher

And two support buildings
Root Nexus (gifted and blessed)

The buildings are automatically rooted but the units have the ability to become rooted (immobile) and gain special attacks, and can be un-rooted and moved to a new area. You will know they are connected when a faint green colored line connects between the units, as long as they are linked to one unit in a network they will be connected to the whole network. You must be outside the linking range and have seperate units not connected the to first network in any way to have a second seperate network.

Every rooted unit/structure that becomes part of a root network supports the other units in it by boosting attack power and or speed. However the most important part of this function to know is that if a unit or structure is attacking, it -does not- add its power to the network i.e. only unit/structures that are idle will add their power and boost ONE of the linked attacking units -unless- the root network is maxed out (for a level 3 upgrade that is 11 linked units) then any additional units will add power to a second attacker.

Only one unit per network can receive a power boost (unless network is maxed out for that unit with additional supporters for secondary unit), this is determined by the attacker closest to the network.


Two Spikeroots one in front of the other, connected to 7 living Towers.

The spikeroot in front will have the attack boost, until enemy units move into range of the second spikeroot, as soon as he starts attacking the first spikeroot will lose and bonus and now the New attacker closest to the network will receive a power boost.

If the enemy units move beyond the spikeroots and engage the living towers, then all power boosts will be lost. This is part of what makes root nexus so potent and useful in a root network. Root Nexus does not contribute OR subtract from the root network, it does however connect units, allowing you to have a large group of stationary towers, and keep using their power by moving your unit(s) and creating cheap root nexus buildings as you go. They also have useful abilities which they give to any unit connected directly to them.

Gifted Root Nexus - Any unit connected directly to this structure will regenerate 2% of their life points every second

Blessed Root Nexus - Any unit connected directly to this structure will take 25% less damage

If you build one of each of the support structures at the edge of the root network (every 25m-ish)
so that each root nexus takes less damage and regenerates health, then surround them with living towers in the center, and place your attacking units at the outside edges making sure everything has one of each nexus connected to it. You will have an entire defensive force (units and structures) all of which are self regenerating and take less damage from attacks, meaning no repairing, and in some cases, no healing required.

This strategy is for example perfect for defending the gold wagon on Bad Harvest, using razorleaf for attack. You don't even need to bother destroying the cannons because your defenses will regenerate themselves and take less damage from them.

At this present time it seems that Howling shrine doesn't work as the description states ( 4 turrets each deal 325 damage written on the card) yet no matter how many supporters it only fires one turret.
However each one has a special ability, gifted paralyzes an attacker tainted roots them. on a maxed network they activate this special nearly every second if you place the rooter out front it will hold and attack enemies and with the paralyzer behind any that get through the roots will then be paralyzed and attacked, they can be powerful or just used as another structure supporter. At this time though the damage they deal however is minimal (seems to be glitched).

Mark of the keeper works well with root network as well, providing some defense and preventing special attacks like disintegration or paralysis that can shut down heavy damage linked attackers.

Combined with breeding grounds you can create a mass of unit supporters and create an entirely mobile root network, which turns it into a more effective offensive weapon. This is where Thornbark really shines, it gives you extra network supporters to work with and provides mobile anti air support since Spikeroot attacks ground units only. A razorleaf out front with an equal mix of spikeroots and thornbarks can make a powerful offensive force, anti air, heavy attack and support ground fire all in one if things start to look bad you can pull your razorleaf back to a defending network while your other units create a wall for it's escape.

PVE Random Loot List

Difficulty 1: 0 Honor Tokens, 0 Victory Tokens, 2 Battle Tokens about 3minutes
Difficulty 2: 0 Honor Tokens, 0 Victory Tokens, 3 Battle Tokens about 4-5minutes
Difficulty 3: 0 Honor Tokens, 0 Victory Tokens, 4 Battle Tokens
Difficulty 4: 0 Honor Tokens, 1 Victory Tokens, 6 Battle Tokens
Difficulty 5: 1 Honor Tokens, 2 Victory Tokens, 10 Battle Tokens
Difficulty 6: 2 Honor Tokens, 3 Victory Tokens, 15 Battle Tokens 16 minutes
Difficulty 7: 3 Honor Tokens, 4 Victory Tokens, 20 Battle Tokens 19 minutes
Difficulty 8: 4 Honor Tokens, 6 Victory Tokens, 30 Battle Tokens 600 XP 22 minutes
Difficulty 9: 5 Honor Tokens, 7 Victory Tokens, 40 Battle Tokens 900 XP 22 minutes
Difficulty 10: 6 Honor Tokens, 8 Victory Tokens, 50 Battle Tokens 1125 XP 42 minutes

There is a cap on the number of melee creatures that can attack an opposing creature. Actual numbers depend on size of the attackers and size of the defenders.

First i would like to define 3 different melee attack classes:
* Normal (most M and S size creatures, with M counting twice as much as S)
* Reach (some M and S size creatures, with counting M twice as much as S)
* Huge (all L and XL size creatures, with XL counting twice as much as L)

The following creatures are in the Reach class:
* Spearmen
* Ghostspears
* Mauler
* Drones
* Phalanx
* Imperials
* Lyrish Knight
* Silverwind Lancers
* Ice Guardian
* Wrecker
* Enforcer
* Scythe Fiends
* Giant Slayer
* Executor
* Shadow Insect
Note that both Nomad and Dreadcharger are not in this class even though they use lances!

And now the caps on the numbers of melee attackers for creatures of different sizes:
* a single S creature can be attacked by at most 4 Normal, 6 Reach and 2 Huge attackers
* a single M creature can be attacked by at most 6 Normal, 10 Reach and 2 Huge attackers
* a single L creature can be attacked by at most 8 Normal, 12 Reach and 4 Huge attackers
* a single XL creature can be attacked by at most 12 Normal, 14 Reach and 6 Huge attackers

Similar mechanics apply to melee attacks against buildings, but the number of attackers seem depend on the footprint size of the buildings.

* Disintegrated targets doesn't revive with second chance or promise of life.
* Reducing damage effects like life weaving or freezed also reduce damage from self damage like instability or blood healing. However, self-damage from disintegrating (shadow worm) can't be reduced.
* Soulshatter's secondary effect doesn't trigger from death of air units.
* Bandit walker doesn't count as XL unit (units with XL attack doesn't do more damage vs them). Construct does.
* Buffs like unholy power/hero/motivate increase damage from shadow mage's foul play, but only if buffs are here when bomb explodes, not when bomb planted.
* Damage to allies from wrathgazer's pain link calculated before his resilience or any other reductions.
* Overlord can store corpses up to X points (max hp - current hp = X), then he use them to regenerate even if there are no more corpses around.
* Armored tower's active ability works on buildings under construction.
* Defenders, Commandos and Darkelves get thier range decreased when activating ability.

upgrade lvl / disintegration rate(hp/sec) / hp loss(per sec per unit)
disintegration rate of 100 means it can disintegrate unit with 1000 hp in 10 seconds.

Church of negation
U0 / 80 / 60
U1 / 85 / 60
U2 / 90 / 50
U3 / 100 / 50

U0 / 135 / -
U3 / 150 / -

Shadow worm
U0 / 110 / 70
U1 / 115 / 60
U2 / 125 / 50
U3 / 150 / 45


(#1) D1Rect


Hasznos. Főleg a Breeding grounds-os.

"The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal."

(#2) ollie


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