2024. június 20., csütörtök


PLEX profil 2011-es Samsung lejátszóra

Írta: | Kulcsszavak: plex . profil . samsung


Üdv mindenkinek!

Van egy régebbi BD lejátszóm, és sikerült megoldanom, hogy a youtube-os videókat lejátssza DLNA-n keresztül.

A gond ott van, hogy van egy shoutcast plugin, ami elvileg a netes rádiókat küldené a lejátszóra, de az meg azt írja a fájl nem támogatott.. Régebben a youtube-ra is ezt írta, de azt megoldottam, viszont a netrádióra nincs ötletem.

Örülnék, ha valaki segítene. :)

A profilokat ubuntu alatt itt találod:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


DLNA client profiles for Plex Media Server, version


Names of containers and codecs observed in the wild:

container = { asf, avi, mov, mp4, mkv, mpegts, wtv, mpeg, m4v }
video = { cinepak, h263, h264, mjpeg, mpeg1video, mpeg2video, mpeg4, msmpeg4, vc1, wmv2, wmv3 }
audio = { aac, ac3, truehd, eac3, dca, mp3, mp2, pcm_u8, pcm_s16be, wmapro, wmav2, wmavoice }

NB on m4v:
Files with .m4v extensions are usually inside an mp4 container, and show up in Plex as mp4.
Devices that claim to support m4v usually just mean mp4 containers with an .m4v extension.
When Plex says a container is m4v, it really means "raw mpeg4 video". (It can also mean "corrupt file that looks like raw mpeg4".)
So when authoring profiles, it's best to just use mp4 and ignore m4v, unless you know your device supports raw m4v.
See http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=62723 for details and discussion on this.


<Client name="Samsung SmartTV">
<!-- Samsung SMT-G7400, the UPC Horizon -->
<!-- Author: Rense VanderHoek -->
<!-- DLNA Test Certificate: http://certification.dlna.org/certs/REG47816707.pdf -->
<Header name="User-Agent" substring="DLNADOC/1.50"/>
<DeviceDescription type="urn:samsung.com:device:RemoteControlReceiver:1" />
<Setting name="OnlyStorageFolders" value="true" />
<VideoProfile container="avi" codec="h264" audioCodec="ac3"/>
<PhotoProfile container="jpg" codec="jpeg"/>
<VideoProfile container="asf" codec="divx,xvid,h264,mpeg4,mjpeg" audioCodec="mp3,ac3,lpcm,adpcm,wma" />
<VideoProfile container="avi" codec="divx,xvid,h264,mpeg4,mjpeg" audioCodec="mp3,ac3,lpcm,adpcm,dts" />
<VideoProfile container="mkv" codec="divx,xvid,h264,mpeg4,mjpeg" audioCodec="mp3,ac3,lpcm,adpcm,dts" />
<VideoProfile container="mp4" codec="h264,mpeg4,xvid" audioCodec="mp3,adpcm,aac" />
<VideoProfile container="3gpp" codec="h264,mpeg4" audioCodec="adpcm,aac,he-aac" />
<VideoProfile container="mpg,mpeg" codec="mpeg1video,mpeg2video" audioCodec="ac3,mpeg,lpcm,aac" />
<VideoProfile container="vro,vob" codec="mpeg1video,mpeg2video" audioCodec="ac3,mpeg,lpcm" />
<VideoProfile container="ps" codec="mpeg1video,mpeg2video,h264" audioCodec="ac3,mpeg,lpcm,aac" />
<VideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="mpeg2video,h264,vc1" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3,dd+,he-aac" />
<VideoProfile container="wmv" codec="wmv" audioCodec="wma" />
<PhotoProfile container="jpg" codec="jpeg,jpg" />
<VideoCodec name="mpeg2video">
<UpperBound name="video.width" value="1920"/>
<UpperBound name="video.height" value="1080"/>
<UpperBound name="video.frameRate" value="30" />
<UpperBound name="video.bitrate" value="30720" />
<VideoCodec name="mpeg4">
<UpperBound name="video.width" value="1920"/>
<UpperBound name="video.height" value="1080"/>
<UpperBound name="video.frameRate" value="30" />
<UpperBound name="video.bitrate" value="8192" />
<VideoCodec name="h264">
<UpperBound name="video.width" value="1920" />
<UpperBound name="video.height" value="1080" />
<UpperBound name="video.frameRate" value="30" isRequired="false" />
<UpperBound name="video.bitrate" value="25600" />
<UpperBound name="video.level" value="41" />
<VideoCodec name="wmv2,wmv3,vc1">
<UpperBound name="video.width" value="1920"/>
<UpperBound name="video.height" value="1080"/>
<UpperBound name="video.frameRate" value="30" />
<UpperBound name="video.bitrate" value="25600" />
<VideoAudioCodec name="ac3,wmav2,wmapro,dts">
<UpperBound name="audio.channels" value="6"/>
<VideoAudioCodec name="aac,mp3,lpcm,adpcm,he-aac">
<UpperBound name="audio.channels" value="2"/>


(#1) Honkydoo


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