2024. június 1., szombat


Androidos telefon optikai tuningja. :)

Írta: |


Ezt az oldalt már nem nagyon fogom nézni. Ott lehet folytatni.

Aki jól tud angolul az légyszi segítsen javítani a hibákat az alábbi szövegben. Köszi. Várom a válaszokat a HSZ-ben. DE CSAK AZ ANGOL SZÖVEGGEL KAPCSOLATBAN.

Android optical tuning.:)


Before we do:


In a graphic description of the APK-k modolásával deal.
All I can see the change of the phone replaced or modified.

Required programs:
- apktool
- Android SDK
- Java JDK 1.6 . This oprendszerfüggő which one to use.

APK Structure
One important thing is that all the APK file is a zip file, so either some kind of compression program can be edited.
If decompression of the APK is then displayed in the file structure.
A / res / drawable-mdpi *, / res / drawable-hdpi * folders are located in the files defining the basic look and feel. They may also have other files in these folders is dependent on the APK. The mdpi a lower resolution (eg, Hero, Pulse, Spice), the hdpi a higher resolution (eg: Desire, N1, Galaxy S) phones.

png file to replace the appokban
The various graphical elements are very easy to replace in the APK.
Open the APK is bringing in some applications. Winrar for example, is included by default in Linux and thus open the file.
Then replace it with a graphic element and then save the file. In this we are ready.
IMPORTANT: This is only a patched png files will work. They are located by default in the APK. So when another app is in part to make our own want of it most likely will work. Especially if you can not mix resolutions.

png file is patched, the extraction of APK
If only decompression of the APK is the png files that are ready to find them. If you want to change this to another appban in such a background it can be done safely. The resolution, however, and it is important HDpi MDpi.
In this case, do not see the patchelés. Then we need to apktool on
java-jar d apktool.jar APKNEVE.apk APKMAPPA

The APKMAPPA created the app in the full file structure. This will be visible as to which items, how is patchelve and all other settings as well as plain uncompressed APK was not visible. It is true they do not really need.

png file patchelése
Some graphics programs széthúzzák and / or ráillesztik another element (eg wallpaper) .9 is typically the file name. To prepare a basic background (md: 68 x 68, HD: 101 x 101) and this is changing the appban in quite an interesting phenomena.
For instance the Settings widget background

You decide which parts can be modified in the PNG széthúzhatóak draw9patch stock (including the Android SDK) command to start the program can be determined.
After configuring the parts are changed, save the file. Automatically adds a .9 addition, the program file name.

Amendment after the APK file from (generated):
java-jar apktool.jar b APKMAPPA

APKMAPPA / dist folder you created in the app or out.apk APKNEVE.apk or name.
TIP: It is appropriate for any appot (eg on the Music.apk-t) to extract the apktool-lal, and then into the belemásolni fájlunkat patched and re-generate their own. Then in the final of the APK has taken the item you need and kitömörítetlen APK into place. As in any other can. I always do, because there are other dependencies appok are managing them separately, and it would pour. But Music.apk is smooth and can be broken down into the újragenerálni apktool-lal.

App szignózása Factory:
It is not possible to be installed before szignózni. The factory appok (eg: Music, Settings, Notepad, Calendar only operate its own individual key file)
Create your own rate:
keytool-genkey-alias kulcsod.keystore keyalg RSA-validity 20000-keystore kulcsod.keystore
App szignózása Factory:
jarsigner-verbose-keystore-kulcsod.keystore signedjar signed.apk unsigned.apk kulcsod.keystore

This file may already be installed.

No default app szignózása ( Auto Sign-nel )
java-jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 unsigned.apk signed.apk

Factory installed appok
Factory appokat can not install cleanly, as marketről from other programs.
Javaslott recovery mode to launch the phone in this particular case appok (Settings.apk, SettingsProvider.apk, Phone.apk, TelephonyProvider.apk) If the working ROM to install them you can experience interesting things. For instance in the home regularly crashes.
ADB install APPNEVE.apk

or if it does not work,
ADB push APPNEVE.apk / system / app / APPNEVE.apk

Replace Fonts:
- Find you a nice font. Preferably something that has a BOLD (bold) version. Furthermore, it is possible he and the letter u as well. In many pounds is not included in these two fonts, and you will only see the empty frames instead.
- Move to the font names that you want to change.

ADB pull / system / fonts / FONTNEVE.ttf FONTNEVE_back.ttf

ADB push FONTNEVE.ttf / system / fonts / f FONTNEVE.tt

Related Sites:
Home Screenshots
Framework Factory

My howto video
Howto video the end of Eclipse is used, but it is very difficult. The same apktool know what we need.
apktool howto video

The forum can continue to ask. The forum will be maintaining it. The excess of things, and those that are included in the offolásokat they delete the blog. Which is useful in the post will be added to this blog.

A little taste


(#1) Pubszon


Nagyon hasznos írás, számomra legalább is, holnap (vagyis ma) ki is próbálom. :D
Gratulálok. :R

ASRock X79 Extreme6, i7 4930K, 32GB DDR3, GTX 1080 G1, Corsair RM750x...

(#3) Pubszon válasza vtechun (#2) üzenetére


Ha óvatosan csinálja az ember, akkor el se lehet.
Sok hasonlót csináltam játékokkal is már.

ASRock X79 Extreme6, i7 4930K, 32GB DDR3, GTX 1080 G1, Corsair RM750x...

(#7) llaszlo válasza Lasy (#4) üzenetére


Megnéztem a magyarítást. A values* mappákban vannak a nyelvi fájlok. Elég sok van belőlük. A Music-ban amit néztem abban nem volt magyar, de nem is hiányzik.
Szerintem, hogyha mindent magyarítani akarsz akkor kell kb 2-3 nap. :)

[ Szerkesztve ]

(#8) Lasy válasza llaszlo (#7) üzenetére


pont ez a kihívás benne. az a gondom hogy mikor visszacsomagolom nem telepíti.


(#9) kukacka11 válasza Lasy (#8) üzenetére


Az a baj, hogy az alapokkal nem vagy tisztában így nem fog menni. Olvasgasd még llaszlo blogjait meg úgy az Androidos fórumokat.
Egyáltalán minek tömörítetted ki és vissza a fájlt? Ilyen sehol sincs leírva.

(#10) Lasy válasza kukacka11 (#9) üzenetére


akkor mit csináljak. amint sikerül egyet megcsinálnom nem kérdezek többet.
az ember úgy tanúl ha kérdez. én meg szeretek tuningolni.


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