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  • nggabi


    válasz kutkut #18193 üzenetére

    bazze, levették :(

    ez a google tud valamit :D

    Apple May be Banned in the US
    By Rayman On August 19, 2012 · 94 Comments
    Apple May be Banned in the US
    Written by: Rayman on August 19, 2012.

    Motorola vs Apple 300x180 Apple May be Banned in the US

    Apple over the last few months has sued Samsung, HTC and Motorola making it very difficult to make a device that doesn’t supposedly infringe on any patents they claim are theirs. Well, at the U S International Trade Commission, Motorola Mobility has filed its second lawsuit against Apple. If Moto is successful, this will effectively ban the sale of all iPhone, Mac and iPads from being sold in the United States.

    Google Owned Motorola Mobility made this statement:

    We would like to settle these patent matters, but Apple’s unwillingness to work out a license leaves us little choice but to defend ourselves and our engineers’ innovations.

    Apple has been accused of breaching Motorola patents pertaining to location services, media playback on phones, (voice command)Siri, push email notifications and many others. Google knew what they were doing when they bought Motorola, with a case already under their belt against Apple in Germany. The success of this case over data synchronization, stopped iCloud users from receiving push email notifications while in Germany.

    Apple, you created this monster, now you are going to have to face the fact that you may not win the battle.


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