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Téma összefoglaló

Téma összefoglaló

  • Utoljára frissítve: 2023-12-13 06:28:04


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Az előzmények:
World of Tanks - MMO - Archívum I.
World of Tanks - MMO - Archívum II.

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(#245946) ollie


(rögzített hsz)


Rengeteg scam/phising próbálkozás van a játékban! Privát üzenetek formájában küldenek üzenetet, miszerint feltöltöttek rólad egy replay-t valahova. Ezekbe jellemzően be kell lépni a WoT accounttal, de a probléma az, hogy nem az igazi Wargaming oldalon léptet be, így gyakorlaitag ellopja a WoT accountodat. Akárki küld neked privát üzenetet egy website-tal kapcsolatban, soha ne nyisd meg az oldalt!

Ezeket a próbálkozásokat lehet jelenteni itt: https://eu.wargaming.net/support/hu/products/wot/help/29691/29692/29706/ (ezt a linket is ellenőrizd)

További tanácsok

[ Szerkesztve ]



(#45897) mrszitya

senior tag

Ezt érdemes még elolvasni WN8 vs. WN7 témakörben:

Main differences with WN7

- WN8 has much more weight on damage than on kills, which was reversed in WN7. What allowed us to put more weight on damage was that WN8 uses per-tank normalization instead of the average tier-based normalization WN7 used.
- Per-tank normalization in WN8 now allows a fair comparison of players playing only highly effective tanks for their tier (think Wft100, Foch155, Hellcat, T49, T18, T29, the old Su-26, etc.) versus players who have played many lines, with many tanks.
- Due to per-tank normalization, light tanks and SPGs are now more fairly compared to other tank types in WN8 (they received lower WN7 than other tank types). Despite not being able to use spotting damage, WN8 expects less damage of light tanks, while WN7 expected the same as other tanks of the same tier.
- No tier-based penalty is introduced. Low tier tanks are measured fairly against high tiers, whereas in WN7, you could raise your score artificially by playing a mix of low and high tiers, and were penalized if you only played low tiers. However, you are expected to do VERY well in low tiers to gain WN8 points as opposed to playing high tiers.


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