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  • Toobee


    válasz pajinka #297393 üzenetére

    Ez szar, utálni fogod. Oké, nem pont a legbutább görgő, de ezek a manuális ellenállás állítások mind elveszik az ember kedvét. Én is hittem az ingyenebédben, aztán ott rohadt az ágy alatt a butagörgő. Az okosat meg használom rendszeresen, akár most, a nyári időkben is.

    Én 3x7-tel használom a Suitot, kompatibilis. Kell egy spacer, mert a 7-es sor rövidebb, mint a 10/11-es, de ennyi. Ezekre kell figyelni:
    I also use a 7 speed but on an Elite Zumo... I also had a few problems during setup;
    a) Shimano 7 speed cassettes have small rivets on the back that was interfering with my 4mm spacer which meant that the cassette was not sitting level on the shaft. I took it off and filed a small recess in the spacer to accommodate these rivets.
    b) Some 7 speeds are a thinner frame width (126mm) luckily mine was 135mm but if you have a 126mm frame (typically older frames) you have two options; if it is an alloy / steel frame then you can maybe bend the frame slightly after all the Elite trainers support 130mm spacing so we are talking about 4mm here... Although that is likely to damage and weaken the frame, other option is buy another bike with 130/135mm frame width.
    c) After getting my bike on the trainer and the spacers filed I still found 2 problems; the chain would jump off at lowest gear and would land between the cassette and the trainer and the chain would rub against the front derailleur guide. Turns out the limits of the derailleurs needed adjusting and the indexing was slightly out too, this was quite easy and I followed this guide... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkZxPIZ1ngY
    I'll be honest my chain is still a little noisy, I am wondering if I need to shorten it slightly or swap out the rear derailleur for one with a shorter cage. A shorter cage may not be a bad idea as on the rare occasion my chain falls off the derailleur spring causes the cage to fly backwards when the chain tension is lost and it slams the cage into the trainer's plastic housing which has scratched it slightly. Other than this it is indeed usable now in all gears and without any undue resistances and not too much noise.
    Good luck, but I think it is certainly do-able with a bit of time, research and perseverance. If all else is lost maybe your local bike shop can help.

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